Explore Ballona!® is a dynamic environmental education journey for all students.

Since 1994, Friends of Ballona Wetlands has been offering environmental education field trips for students throughout Los Angeles. For many students, this is the first time they have visited a natural area of this size and they marvel at what they see. With 98% of teachers agreeing their students gain a better understanding of the topics covered in the field trip lesson, these field trips are not only a memory students cherish but are a powerful tool for teachers. A third grade teacher said “We learned so much today, especially about the environment we live so close to!” With the recent addition of Pre and Post field trip lessons, students truly go on a journey to Explore Ballona®!


Field Trip Information

  • 1.5-2.5 hour field trips for students of all ages

  • Grade specific field trip content with a STE(A)M focus

  • Support NGSS and California Environmental Principles

  • Select grades support History/Social Science Standards

Visit our Explore Ballona! page for more information about field trips.

To request a field trip for your students, please complete the form below.


Explore the wetlands from anywhere, any time with our digital content!

If you're unable to visit the wetlands, don't worry! We'll bring the wetlands experience to you. Dive into interactive field trips and engaging YouTube videos to explore the wonders that make up Ballona Wetlands. Whether you're interested in plants and animals or seeking educational materials for your students, our digital resources cater to all learners.

Digital Resource Information

Our digital content includes engaging materials such as:

  • Interactive field trips

  • Educational videos

  • Grade specific lessons

  • Activity Guides and more!

Visit our Ballona @ Home page to access all of our digital resources!

Explore Ballona!® Nature Camp–blending fun and the environment.

For many, attending camp is right of passage where you are challenged to grow and make friends for life. Since 2016, Explore Ballona!® Nature Camp has brought together campers from all walks of life to explore how everyone can discover nature and is connected by it. But of course, with camp occurring during summer break, we make sure the learning is hidden in fun games, challenges, art projects, and more!


Camp Information

  • Sessions: Monday - Friday

  • Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm

  • Ages: 8-11 years old

  • Cost: $350 per session. Scholarships may be available upon request.

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Visit our camp page for more information and to register your camper.

E.C.O. Quest Youth Development Program

We have set course on an exciting journey to explore (E)nvironmental (C)areers & (O)ccupations, or as we like to call it an E.C.O. Quest!

Our E.C.O. Quest program introduces career opportunities in the environmental field to under-represented and Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) youth. In partnership with a local youth organization, this program will, over the course of 10-12 meetings, provide a group of youth the opportunity to explore Ballona Wetlands and a diverse array of environmental and STEM careers.

The culmination of the program will be the hiring of a select few participants to be paid, summer interns with Friends of Ballona Wetlands.

Session Information

Program topics and careers can include but are not limited to:

  • Ballona Wetlands Ecology

  • Habitat Restoration

  • Wildlife Observation/Biology

  • Water Quality Management

  • Environmental Education…and more!

*This program can be tailored to meet the needs and goals of the partner organization. Including program timing, group size, and program lessons and duration.


Interested in becoming a partner? For more information email ammy@ballonafriends.org.


Is Environmental Education the field for you? Find out with an internship!

Environmental Education Internships offer interns an in-depth look into the field of environmental education through both school field trips and camp program. Interns receive training in local ecology and history, shadow and assist in programs, then lead lessons and programs. As one intern reflected, “The highlights for me were the moments when we weren’t planning to teach. We were walking and some of them saw tracks and got excited and began to circle the tracks and try to guess what kind of animal left it behind. I can only hope these campers will become passionate about the outdoors and participate in internships like this.”


Internship Information

Whether you are looking to learn more about the environment, education, or just a chance to work outside, we have a spot for you.

  • Environmental Education Internships are for high school to college age students

  • Internships may be paid, unpaid, or for class credit

  • For more information check out our internships page.